A Year of Learning!

With the end of the year just around the corner, my heart is full from all the learning moments we've created with people I love in this 2024 Eventbrite learning series. It's been my goal to bring development opportunities to ANYONE, not just clients or inner circle. This past year, Begin Development hosted seven events with some of the brightest leaders I know, people I always want to keep learning from. We talked about accelerating team performance, navigating imposter syndrome, inclusion and creating better workspaces, 5 Behaviors of a healthy team, how to strategically use a strengths assessment (MBTI), and even busting a few myths about success.  This is my dream: to be a connector of really interesting people doing meaningful things in the world.  List check for 2023.

As an early holiday gift, I want to make the recordings for these events available.  Never stop learning.  The world needs your best leadership.

Feel free to let me know which events you found the most valuable and what topics you’d like to see us cover in 2024. 

Past Event Recordings


Starting off 2024 in NYC!


Removing the Mask: Solutions to Cope with Impostor Syndrome